Friday, November 25, 2011

The Next Morning

All of the horses were outside and checking out the fresh snow

2 year old Exault (Sir Oldenburg x Idocus) enjoying a Trot

Weanling Gabrinita (Contango x Jazz)

The three yearlings

The weanlings make a run out into their pasture

2 year olds engaged in "horseplay"

First Snow!

The first big snow event of the year has occured and the weanlings were very curious and playful

Gemma (Sandreo x Jet Set D) getting her snow blanket on

Galaxy (Sandreo x Welt Hit II) playing around

Weanling group

Very curious about the snow

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Virginia Visit

Megan is recently back from visiting Martha in Virginia. The weather was wonderful and they got to enjoy riding in a hunter pace through the hills. Megan also was able to school on the 4 year old Calypso (Sandreo/Jazz)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

G-Man Sold

G-Man (Eldorado vd Zeshoek/Hamlet) has been sold to Dreamcrest Equestrian , ,owned by Ian Roberts and Kelly Pitz. We are very pleased with this sale and we expect that G-Man will be developed to his full potential at this prestigious stable.