Thursday, August 07, 2008

Breeding Update

We have finished breeding mares for this season. We normally ultrasound at 14 days post breeding and again about 24 days. After 24 days we can see a heart beat and this is a good indication that the pregnancy will go on to produce a foal.

We ultra sounded the two later bred mares for the second time this week. Everything is progressing normal on both these pregnancies. This gives us seven pregnant mares to foal next year. We are very pleased with our success breeding this year as we have seven pregnant to first service with frozen semen. Some good management and a lot of good luck !

Pregnancies for next year are:
Florentina is in foal to Sir Oldenburg
Veganieta is in foal to Brentano II
Waltzalina is in foal to Johnson
Zinosa is in foal to Lord Sinclair
Vuzarma is in foal to Concorde.
Virtual Rose is in foal to Sir Oldenburg
Virgina is in foal to Donnatelli.

The first five will foal in late April and the last two will be June foals. These should give us some interesting foals. Bretano II and sir Oldenburg are new sires for us and we have had foals from the other four sires. We have sold two of this years foals, Verdi/Hamlet and the Lord Sinclair/Tango.

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